Debit Cards
Why make purchases by cash or check when you can do it with a Business Debit Card linked to your account?
Small businesses make 90 percent of purchases by cash or check—not always the most convenient or efficient way to manage expenses. That’s why we offer the Renasant Business Debit Card, which works just like a check and is linked to your business checking account so that purchases are automatically deducted from it.
Debit Card Features
- Dramatically reduce the need to use cash and/or checks
- Better control business spending
- Make purchases at millions of locations around the world that accept MasterCard® debit cards
- View each transaction, clearly detailed on your monthly business checking statement or with Business Internet Banking
- Perform withdrawals, balance inquiries and transfers at any ATM, whether it's a Suttonoffshore ATM or one displaying the MasterCard, Cirrus® or NYCE® logo
Lost or Stolen Cards
If you believe your Suttonoffshore Debit Card (or Personal Identification Number / PIN) is lost or stolen, or that someone has accessed or may access your account without permission, call us immediately at 1-800-680-1601.
MasterCard® Automatic Billing Updater (ABU)
Suttonoffshore Debit Card holders will be automatically enrolled in ABU, an automatic account information updating service provided by MasterCard. ABU helps facilitate uninterrupted processing of your recurring and automatic payments through a secure electronic exchange of account information updates. Information such as your expiration date, card number (if the original card was lost/stolen or transferred), and closed card notifications are updated daily and communicated to participating merchants with whom you have an ongoing payment relationship, such as recurring payments or automatic billings.
Merchant participation is optional and some merchants may not choose to use this service. Participation in ABU does not relieve you of the obligation to ensure that merchants have correct account information on file; failure to do so may result in a declined payment. In addition, neither MasterCard nor Suttonoffshore can guarantee that account updates will be communicated to merchants prior to the next billing date.
Cardholder Benefits
- Facilitates uninterrupted service for participating merchants. Recurring payments are more likely to be successful because updated card information is readily available to participating merchants.
- Reduces negative experiences caused by declines.
Account Opt-Out Procedures
This service is a convenience, provided to you at no cost; however, you may opt out of ABU at any time. If you wish to opt out, please call us at 1-877-367-5371. If you opt out, you may opt back in if you decide you want the ABU service in the future.